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Wearing Lapis Lazuli: Is It Safe and Beneficial?

3rd Aug 2023

Wearing Lapis Lazuli: Is It Safe and Beneficial?

Wearing Lapis Lazuli - it's an age-old tradition that has captivated the minds and adorned the bodies of many. But what's behind this beautiful blue gemstone, and why has it been so valued for centuries? In this first section of our comprehensive guide, we'll dive into the world of Lapis Lazuli and the Australian National Maritime Museum, exploring its history, mystical properties, and how it intertwines with our physical and mental wellbeing.

RawRaw Lapis Lazuli Gem

History and Background of Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli's rich history can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where it was used injewellery, mosaics, statues, ornamental boxes, and vases. The gemstone's radiant blue hue has mesmerized artists, healers, and jewellery enthusiasts alike for centuries.

Found mainly in the mines of Afghanistan, this gemstone consists of several minerals, primarily lazurite, calcite, and pyrite. Its name derives from the Latin word 'lapis' meaning 'stone' and the Persian word 'lazhward,' translating to 'blue'. It's not just a stone; it's a celestial embodiment of the skies and seas.

Mystical Properties


Lapis Lazuli is more than just a beautiful stone; it has been considered a protection against psychic attacks. By neutralizing power within all family members, it fosters a shield against negativity. This gemstone's vibrational frequency resonates with the human body, creating an aura of safeguarding from external influences (see source).

Calm and Tranquility

The power of Lapis Lazuli extends into realms of tranquillity and calmness. By reducing insecurity and instilling confidence, it promotes a serene environment. Many believe in its healing properties that provide serenity and dependence. If you're searching for a path to inner peace,this gemstone's meaning might just be your answer.

The Science Behind the Stone

While the spiritual aspects are intriguing, what about the scientific evidence behind Lapis Lazuli's health benefits?

Physical Health Enhancements

Lapis Lazuli is believed to have a plethora of physical health advantages. From boosting the immune system to helping with blood circulation, it plays a vital role in our well-being. Specifically, it cleanses organs and improves resistance to infection. Are you struggling with melancholy or sleeplessness? Lapis Lazuli could be the remedy for your woes. Read more about these fascinating effects in this detailed article.

Wearing Lapis Lazuli isn't just a fashion statement; it's a connection to the ancient world and a gateway to spiritual and physical healing. But there's more to explore! Stay tuned as we delve deeper into its safety, unique benefits, and how you can experience this gemstone's splendour through the stunning jewellery collection available at the Australian National Maritime Museum.

Is Wearing Lapis Lazuli Safe?

The enchanting allure of Lapis Lazuli might have caught your attention, but the question on many minds is - "Is it safe?" The simple answer is yes, wearing Lapis Lazuli jewellery is generally considered safe and beneficial. But, as with many things in life, there are precautions to be mindful of.

Toxins and Water Exposure

While Lapis Lazuli is safe for everyday wear, it should never be submerged in water. Why? This gemstone can release toxins that may be harmful to the skin. Keep it dry, and the beauty and integrity of your Lapis Lazuli jewellery will remain unspoiled (source).

Understanding Quality and Authenticity

Not all Lapis Lazuli is created equal. The quality, source, and treatment of the gemstone can affect its appearance and properties. Ensuring the authenticity of your Lapis Lazuli piece is vital for reaping its full benefits. Opting for reputable sources like the Australian National Maritime Museum store ensures the quality and authenticity of your Lapis Lazuli jewellery.

a woman wearing lapis lazuli earings

Benefits of Wearing Lapis Lazuli

So, what exactly can this beautiful blue gemstone do for you? Let's delve into some remarkable benefits.

Enhancing Self-Awareness and Self-Confidence

Lapis Lazuli isn't just pleasing to the eye; it's a catalyst for self-awareness, self-confidence, self-knowledge, peace, and harmony. Wearing it may help you uncover truths about yourself and the world around you, leading to personal growth and empowerment (source).

Aiding Physical Health

As previously discussed, Lapis Lazuli has an affinity with the human body, enhancing various physical aspects of health. Wearing this gemstone may reduce blood pressure, cleanse the blood, calm inflammation, and even improve the respiratory and neurological systems.

Emotional Healing

Lapis Lazuli's calming properties are believed to extend to the emotional realm, aiding in overcoming trauma, grief, or stress. Its soothing energy fosters emotional healing, making it a popular choice among those seeking balance and peace.

Lapis Lazuli earrings on a woman

Incorporating Lapis Lazuli into Your Lifestyle

Jewellery Options

Lapis Lazuli's versatility allows for a myriad of jewellery designs. Whether it's a stunning Lapis Lazuli pendant or an elegant ring, the choice is vast. Why not add a touch of tranquility to your attire with a piece from the Australian National Maritime Museum's collection?

A Complementary Wellness Journey

Perhaps you've embarked on a path of wellness and health. Lapis Lazuli's organic affinity with the body complements perfectly with other natural wellness options, such as pure organic cleansing herbal teas available at the Australian National Maritime Museum store.

Lapis Lazuli's captivating colour and mystical properties make it more than just a gemstone. It's a symbol of protection, self-awareness, health, and beauty. Understanding its proper care and embracing its profound connections with body and soul can enhance your life in ways unimagined.

Choosing the Right Lapis Lazuli Piece

Lapis Lazuli, with its deep celestial blue hue, is indeed a stone of wisdom and truth. But how do you select the right piece that resonates with you? Let's explore some considerations.

Authenticity and Quality

Always opt for reputable sources to ensure the authenticity and quality of your Lapis Lazuli. The Australian National Maritime Museum store, for instance, offers an exquisite selection of Lapis Lazuli jewellery.

Lapis Lazuli Pendant - 5793

Personal Connection

Feel the stone, understand its energy, and see how it connects with you. The beauty of gemstones, especially one with healing properties like Lapis Lazuli, lies in the personal connection you may feel.

Taking Care of Your Lapis Lazuli

Now that you have your chosen piece, how do you take care of it?


Remember not to submerge your Lapis Lazuli in water. Gently wiping it with a soft cloth is the best way to maintain its lustre.

Proper Storage

Store your Lapis Lazuli away from direct sunlight and other jewellery to prevent scratches.

Sales and Opportunities

Keeping an eye out for sales and clearance events at the Australian National Maritime Museum store is a fantastic opportunity to acquire Lapis Lazuli pieces at significant discounts.

Lapis Lazuli and Healing: A Personal Journey

Lapis Lazuli is more than a piece of jewellery; it's a personal journey into self-awareness, tranquillity, and physical well-being. Here's what it may do for you:

Spiritual Connection

Lapis Lazuli has long been associated with spirituality, providing calm and good judgement and fostering self-awareness and peace. It is also known to neutralize power within families (source).

Combating Sleeplessness and Melancholy

Its calming properties are believed to alleviate sleep issues and feelings of melancholy. Wearing Lapis Lazuli may offer solace and a path towards mental peace (source).


Lapis Lazuli is a gemstone that transcends mere aesthetics. Its profound connection to the human psyche, emotion, and physical well-being sets it apart. By understanding its properties and integrating it thoughtfully into your lifestyle, you open a door to potential healing and self-discovery.

From stunning pendants to elegant rings, the Australian National Maritime Museum store offers authentic and beautiful Lapis Lazuli pieces that may resonate with your unique journey.

For those in Sydney and across Australia looking to explore the mystical world of Lapis Lazuli, visit the Australian National Maritime Museum store and embark on a journey that's both fashionable and enriching.

May the deep blue calm of Lapis Lazuli guide and protect you, adding a touch of celestial beauty to your life.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Lapis Lazuli

1. Is Lapis Lazuli Safe to Wear?

Yes, wearing Lapis Lazuli in the form of jewellery, such as rings or pendants, is considered safe. However, it should be noted that the stone should not be submerged in water, as it can release toxins that might be harmful to the skin. Check out the Australian National Maritime Museum store's beautiful selection ofLapis Lazuli jewellery.

2. What Are the Benefits of Wearing Lapis Lazuli?

Lapis Lazuli is believed to have many healing properties, including promoting calm and tranquillity, boosting self-awareness and self-confidence, and even benefiting physical health by enhancing immune system function and reducing blood pressure. Explore more about the healing properties of Lapis Lazuli.

3. How Should I Clean and Care for My Lapis Lazuli Jewellery?

Lapis Lazuli should be gently wiped with a soft cloth and should never be submerged in water. It should be stored away from direct sunlight and other jewellery to prevent scratches. For more care instructions, you may refer to theLapis Lazuli page on the Australian National Maritime Museum store.

4. Can I Find Lapis Lazuli on Sale?

Yes, the Australian National Maritime Museum store occasionally offers sales and clearance events where you can find Lapis Lazuli at significant discounts. Keep an eye on their sale page for Lapis Lazuli pendants and other pieces.

5. What Should I Look for When Buying Lapis Lazuli?

Look for authenticity, quality, and personal resonance when purchasing Lapis Lazuli. Always buy from reputable sources to ensure you receive a genuine piece. The colour, texture, and feel of the stone should also resonate with you on a personal level. Explore the selection at the Australian National Maritime Museum store to find the piece that connects with you.